
Update: 17 years 4 weeks

Perusahaan dibutuhkan karyawan dan karyawati yang berpengalaman jujur dan kreatif. a. Ticketing Min-D3 b. Accounting Min D3 (Akutansi / pajak) c. Desain Grafis Min D3 (Desain/komputer) kirim lamaran ke: Rukan Royal Palace Blok B 24 Jl.Soepomo No 178 Tebet

Update: 17 years 4 weeks

PT. Bella Prima Perkasa membutuhkan 1. Staff Administrasi 2. Marketing 3. Staff PPIC 4. Staff Internal Auditor persyaratannya : a. Wanita (1&$) pria (2&3)usia max 25 thn b. Pendidikan D3 (1&#) / (2&4) dr berbagai disiplin ilmu (1&2) c. Akutansi (4)dan Tehnik Industri (3) d. Fresh graduated / pengalaman e. Menguasai bahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan f. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dengan baik g. mampu bekerja keras, komukatif dan bertanggung jawab h. bersedia bekerja

Update: 17 years 4 weeks

Dibutuhkan segera : SALES EXECUTIVE Kriteria : -laki-laki / wanita -usia maks.30 thn -pendidikan d3/s1 (semua jurusan) -memiliki sim A/C -berpenampilan menarik,supel & ramah -gigih, percaya diri & berorientasi kepada target -bersedia ditempatkan diwilayah jabotabek -tinggi badan : laki-laki min.165cm wanita min. 155 cm syarat : Lamaran lengkap beserta pasfoto,fotocopy KTP & SIM Lamaran dikirim langsung ke : PT.BINA DAYA PRATAMA KOMP.RUKO CITRA RAYA BLOK

Update: 17 years 4 weeks

Kami dari PT. Eka Bogainti (Hoka Hoka Bento) yang beralamat di Jl. Poncol No.2 Ciracas Jakarta Timur sedang membutuhkan staff untuk posisi : TESTER Tanggung Jawab : -Memberikan laporan hasil psikotest Kualifikasi : -laki-laki/perempuan -s1 Psikologi (fresh graduate / masih dalam study) -menguasai alat test psikologi -Dapat memberikan instruksi Psikotest & Skoring -Dapat bekerja secara tim -Memiliki inisiatif, mau bekerja keras, tanggung jawab dan result oriented Kirimkan CV & Lamaran anda ke : Email :

Update: 17 years 5 weeks

The Body shop cosmetics, originally from UK and has been in Indonesia since 1992. Now there are 50 stores in 11 nig cities in Indonesia. due to our rapid growing company, we are inviting highly motivated and enthusiastic professional candidates for the following positions : STORE MANAGER -Male / Female -Max.age 25 years old -Min.S1 Degree in any discipline, with min. gpa 3,00 -fresh graduate are welcomed, but experienced in retail operations is an advantage -fluent in english & computer literate -willing to work in shifts -willing to be placed in any location

Update: 17 years 5 weeks

As the largest and export oriented TV Tuner & Electronic components manufacturer which has beeb implementing six sigma and located as cikarang, bekasi, PT. Lg Innotek Indonesia would like to invite you to join us as a part of our winning team as : 1.IT STAFF (CODE : IT-ST) Requirement : -male -gpa min.3,00 (scale 4) -age max. 27 years old -bachelor degree from informatic or computer engineering -common to handling ibm x series and hp server -has a skill in vb 6 / vb net and asp netm programming ms sql, database

Update: 17 years 5 weeks

Pt. Global Pontis Sarana, perusahaan terpercaya yang bergerak di bidang Surveillance System yang berada dilokasi Grand Panglima Polim No.89, Jl. Panglima Polim Raya Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi sebagai IT, dengan syarat sbb : -pria -S1 It (ipk min 2,80) -usia max 28 thn -bisa trouble shooting, LAN, Software, Hardware, Internet, dll -bisa bekerja secara individu ataupun team -mempunyai motor sendiri Silahkan kirim Cv ke : atau hubungi : Indri (021-7262714 /

Update: 17 years 5 weeks

PT. Multiplus, one stop business centre, urgently looking for well qualified and self motivated individuals to join us as : 1.STORE MANAGER - SM 2.MANAGEMENT TRAINEE - MT Qualifications : -at least degree holder in any discipline (1) -at least diploma holder in computer / accouting (2) -having good leadership skills -fluent in english both oral and written -able to operate computer -willing to participate in 5 days training -able to work in shift and willing to be place at any branches of multiplus if you

Update: 17 years 5 weeks

Sebuah perusahaan di jakarta yang bergerak di jasa membutuhkan programmer. PROGRAMMER CISCO 1.Pria 2.Usia < 30 thn 3.Lulusan d3/s1 informatika 4.menguasai cisco (memiliki certificate) 5.menguasai trouble shooting hardware dan software 6.menguasai bahasa inggris akktif (fluent) 7.pengalaman min, 1 thn 8.bersedia bekerja dengan system kontrak 9.berdedikasi tinggi PROGRAMMER ASP NET 1.Menguasai web master (ASP DAN ASP.Net) 2.Web design 3.menguasai ms.SQL 2000 Server 4.Menguasai Ms.Windows 2003 server 5.pengalaman min.1 thn Seluruh lamaran, CV+foto dikirim ke : PT.DUTA TEKNIK INFOTEL ATAU

Update: 17 years 7 weeks

widen your perspective experience the world Singapore airlines Recruitment : indonesian flight stewardess Singapore Airlines is looking for service oriented individuals to join our elite team for the post of flight Stewardess (Singapore Airlines). If you are equipped with the following qualities, we would like to meet you. -females who are at least 1,58m in height -high level of english proficiency -bachelor degree or equivalent -pleasant personality and great communication skills -willingness and commitment to serve a compulsory service bond -indonesian citizenship and willing to be based in singapore Training..